Telescope Time Allocation
Observations are performed each month for 21 nights that include new Moon cycle. Telescope time is assigned for semesters January - June and July - December. Respectful deadlines for submiting applications are 30. April and 31. October 24:00h. For telescope time application, please fill the online form.
News and Events.
- Call for proposals for the telescopes time allocation is open from 1st of January to 30th of April 2025.
- 19.07.2022. - The 60cm telescope is again available and ready for continuation of observing programs.
- The 1.4m telescope is available for observation with Andor IkonL CCD camera, focal reducer and filters set: B, V, R, I, L, Halpha, Hcontinuum and SII. The field of view is 13.3 x 13.3 arcmin. Pixel size is 13.5 μm x 13.5 μm.
- Time allocation committee
- Application form
- Events calendar
- Rule-book for application
- Telescopes
- Useful links